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参加日: 2022年6月2日


Add your own formatting, as well as use the "Ribbon" for automatic settings.Save your drawings as HTML files. Read detailed information about HTML files with a single click. (video: 1:30 min.)Enhanced Inspection View:Use the Inspection View to collect information about your model, such as the diameter of a pipe, in the sidebar. It’s the ideal way to quickly add this information to your design.Create an Inspection Report directly from the command bar.Search your model for DraftSight tags and import additional information. (video: 1:30 min.)New commands for the Ribbon toolbar:Use the context menu or the ribbon to select commonly used commands.Send specific messages via e-mail or text messages using the “Ribbon”.Use “Ribbon” items to make selected commands work better in your drawing.Better printing with the Printer Setup tool:You can print your drawing from the Sheet or Application tab and use AutoCAD’s PDF printing to create PDFs. Use the Printer Setup tool to configure your printer, including paper size, quality, and line breaks. (video: 1:15 min.)Redesigned Navigation in the Task Pane:The Task Pane has a new look with tabs and a new way to access frequently used tools.Organize your tools by their function in the application.Use the “Find” button to help you quickly find tools and keyboard shortcuts. (video: 1:45 min.)Bigger drawings, faster:Add a measurement unit to any drawing at any time.Select a specific unit of measure and have the scale automatically apply to any drawing.Change unit of measure settings with a single click.Make drawing history and undo and redo commands faster and more responsive.CAD applications:Draw the parts of your model, including walls, floors, and roofs, with better placement of doors and windows.Reduce the number of unnecessary draws. Draw the table with a single click, then use the Table snap to quickly insert a table or text label.Draw your model more quickly with familiar tools, such as Orbit, Orient, OrbitZoom, and Extend.Draw a draft-size wireframe with the 2be273e24d


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